In this article we will consider which side of a chisel to use? There are two sides to every chisel: the bevel and the bolster. Each has its own purpose and use. Depending on what you’re trying to accomplish, you’ll want to use one side or the other.
Here’s a quick guide to help you decide which side of the chisel to use. The bevel is the sharpened edge of the chisel. It’s used for cutting and shaping wood.
The bolster is the thicker, blunt edge of the chisel. It’s used for striking with a hammer or mallet, or for prying boards apart.

If you’re new to woodworking, you might not know which side of a chisel to use. Here’s a quick guide to help you out. The first thing to know is that there are two sides to a chisel – the bevel side and the flat side.
The bevel side is the angled edge of the chisel, while the flat side is, well, flat. Generally speaking, you’ll want to use the bevel side when cutting into wood. The angle of the bevel will help create a clean cut as you slice through the wood fibers.
However, there are times when you’ll want to use the flat side of the chisel. This is usually when you’re trying to remove material from a surface (like shaping or carving). The flat edge will give you more control over how much material is removed with each stroke.
So, which side of a chisel to use? It really depends on what you’re trying to do. If in doubt, start with the beveled edge and go from there!
How to use a Chisel CORRECTLY
How to Use a Chisel Step by Step
Chisels are one of the most versatile tools in a woodworker’s arsenal. They can be used for everything from shaping and sculpting wood to cutting dovetails and tenons. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use a chisel step by step, so you can get the most out of this essential tool.
First, let’s talk about choosing the right chisel for the job. There are many different types and sizes of chisels available on the market, so it’s important to select the one that best suits your needs. For example, if you’re planning on doing a lot of detailed work, you may want to opt for a smaller chisel with a fine blade.

Or, if you need to remove large chunks of wood quickly, a larger chisel with a broader blade will do the trick. Once you have the right chisel for the job, it’s time to get started!
Here are some tips on how to use a chisel effectively:
– Always use sharp blades: dull blades will make your work more difficult and can cause damage to both your tools and your project. If your chisel isn’t as sharp as it should be, take some time to sharpen it before getting started.
– Use light strokes: there’s no need to apply excessive force when using a chisel – let the weight of the tool do the work for you.
Applying too much pressure can cause breakage or damage to your project.
– Go slowly: rushing through your work will only result in mistakes. When using a chisel (or any other tool), take your time and focus on what you’re doing – this will help ensure accuracy and prevent accidents.
Now that you know how to use a chisel properly, put these tips into practice and see what this versatile tool can do!
How to Use a Chisel And Mallet
Chisels and mallets are two essential tools for anyone working with wood. A chisel is a tool with a sharp blade that is used to carve or cut wood, while a mallet is a hammer-like tool that is used to strike the chisel and provide power for carving. When using a chisel, it is important to hold it correctly so that you have full control over the blade.
The best grip is achieved by holding the chisel in your dominant hand with your thumb placed behind the blade, while your other fingers wrap around the handle. For added control, you can also place your index finger over the top of the blade. The next step is to select a suitable piece of wood to work on.
For beginners, it is best to start with a softer wood such as pine or basswood. Once you have selected your piece of wood, securely clamp it down onto your work surface so that it does not move around while you are working on it. Now you are ready to start carving!
To do this, position the chisel at the desired location on the wood and then strike it firmly with the mallet. As you become more experienced, you will be able to judge how much force is required for each individual situation. Remember to always use safety goggles when working with power tools like drills or saws—and especially when using a chisel and mallet!
How to Use a Chisel Safely
Chisels are one of the most versatile and essential tools in any woodworker’s arsenal. But like all tools, they can be dangerous if used improperly. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use a chisel safely so that you can avoid any accidents or injuries.
First, always make sure that your chisel is sharp. A dull chisel is more likely to slip and cause an injury. If you don’t have a sharpening stone, you can usually sharpen your chisel with a file.
Next, when using a chisel, always hold it with both hands. This will give you more control and help to prevent slips. You should also keep your fingers away from the blade as much as possible.
Finally, when striking the chisel with a hammer or mallet, make sure to hit it squarely in the center of the blade. Hitting off-center can damage the blade and cause the chisel to bind in the wood, which can be dangerous. By following these simple safety tips, you can avoid any accidents or injuries while using your chisel.
Always remember to work safely!

Chisel Bevel Up Or down
There are a few schools of thought when it comes to beveling with a chisel. Some say that you should always keep the bevel up, while others say that it depends on the situation. Let’s take a closer look at both arguments.
Those who advocate for keeping the bevel up argue that it helps to prevent tear out. They also say that it’s easier to control the chisel when the bevel is up. On the other hand, those who think it depends on the situation argue that sometimes it’s necessary to have the bevel down in order to get a clean cut.
So, what’s the verdict? Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what works best for you in any given situation. Experiment with both methods and see which one you prefer.
Which Way Should You Use a Chisel?
When using a chisel, the most important thing to keep in mind is to always use it with a grain of the wood. This will help prevent splitting and breaking and will make for a much cleaner cut. There are two ways to hold a chisel when using it: with the blade pointing up, or with the blade pointing down.
For most cuts, you’ll want to hold the chisel with the blade pointing down. This gives you more control over the tool and helps to keep your fingers further away from the cutting edge. However, there are some instances where holding the chisel with the blade pointing up may be necessary.
For example, when cleaning out a mortise (a hole cut into wood for receiving another piece of wood), you’ll need to start by chopping out most of the waste material with downward strokes before flipping the chisel over and finishing off with finer upward strokes. No matter which way you’re holding your chisel, always apply even pressure as you push or pull it through the wood. Sudden jabs will likely cause either your workpiece or your tools to break.
Do You Chisel With Or against the Grain?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the desired finish and the type of wood being worked with. Generally speaking, chiseling with the grain will produce a smoother finish, while chiseling against the grain can be used to create rougher textures. When working with softwoods, such as pine or cedar, it is usually best to chisel with the grain.
These woods are more prone to splitting and splintering if chiseled against the grain. Hardwoods, on the other hand, can usually be safely worked both ways without risk of damage. The most important thing is to experiment and find what works best for you and the project you’re working on.
There is no right or wrong way – ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.
Which Direction Do You Sharpen a Chisel?
There are a few different ways to sharpen a chisel, depending on the tools you have available and your personal preference. The most important thing is to get a consistent angle on the blade so that it will cut evenly. One way to sharpen a chisel is to use a honing guide.
This will help you keep a constant angle as you sharpen the blade. First, clamp the honing guide to your workbench with the jaws open wide enough to fit your chisel. Then, position the chisel blade in the guide so that the bevel (the angled edge) is facing down and flush with the top of the guide.
Finally, tighten the jaws of the guide to hold everything in place. Now you’re ready to start sharpening! Use a medium grit stone or diamond plate to start with, and move up to finer grits as needed.
Always go from coarse to fine – never backtrack or you risk damaging your blade. Hold the stone at around 20-30 degrees relative to the chiseled surface, and push it along with even strokes until you’ve achieved a nice sharp edge. If you don’t have access to a honing guide, don’t worry – you can still get good results without one.
Just be extra careful not to make any drastic changes in angle as you’re sharpening – small adjustments are fine, but big swings will create an uneven edge.
What is the Slot on the Side of a Chisel Used For?
The slot on the side of a chisel is called the side bevel. It’s used to create a smooth, clean surface on your workpiece. When using the chisel, you’ll want to hold it at a slight angle to the surface of your workpiece.
This will ensure that the cutting edge of the chisel is in contact with the surface of your workpiece. The deeper you cut into your workpiece, the more important it is to use a consistent angle. If you don’t maintain a consistent angle, you risk damaging or breaking your chisel.
Different Types of Chisels
Woodworking Chisels is a tool woodworkers use to shape and cut wood. It has two parts: a long, rectangular blade that terminates with a sharp bevel, and a wood or plastic handle. The beveled end may be flat or angled. | ![]() |
Carving Chisels A flexible carving instrument suitable for creating outlines, refining surfaces, or executing intricate cuts using the tip. Typically, a right-beveled skew is intended for right-handed users, while a left-beveled skew is designed for left-handed individuals. As the skew decreases in thickness and size, it becomes more adept at performing delicate tasks. | ![]() |
Concrete Chisels Concrete chisels are frequently employed for making precise cuts in concrete. These chisels typically come with a handle and a robust beveled-edge blade that can effectively cut through concrete when struck with a hammer or mallet. | ![]() |
Common parts of a chisel:
- Blade
- Head
- Handle
- Ferrule
If you’re starting out woodworking, it’s important to know which side of a chisel to use. The beveled side is used for cutting, while the back of the chisel is used for striking. When using the beveled side, you’ll want to hold the chisel at a 30-degree angle and use a mallet to strike it. This will help prevent the chisel from slipping.

I’m John Carry, also known as a woodworker I have been a professional saw expert for over 10 years. I’d work with every type of saw machine out there, and experiment to find which tools work better.
I’m always looking for ways to improve my skills and help those around me. I love my job and am always happy to share my knowledge with others.