Can an Axe Cut Through Armor? Have you ever wondered if an axe can cut through armor? It’s a question that has been debated for centuries, but the answer may surprise you. In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating history of axe-wielding warriors, examine the physics of cutting through armor, and look at some of the real-life examples of axes used to penetrate armor. So if you’re curious to know if an axe can cut through armor, keep reading!
Use axe cut through armor?
It’s a question that’s been asked throughout history, and the answer is usually no. However, there are some instances where an axe can penetrate armor.
If the armor is made of softer materials like leather or cloth, then an axe can definitely cut through it. And if the armor is old or damaged, it may also be vulnerable to an axe. But for the most part, modern armor is designed to resist being cut by an axe.
So unless you’re up against a very weak opponent, don’t count on your axe to get you through their armor!

Can Axes Go Through Armor?
It is a common misconception that axes can go through armor. This is not the case. Axes are designed to cut through wood, not metal. While an axe may be able to dent or damage armor, it will not be able to penetrate it.
Can an Axe Break Armor?
Can an axe break armor? The answer is yes, but it really depends on the type of armor and the quality of the axe. For example, if you’re trying to chop through a full suit of plate mail with a cheap hatchet, it’s not going to happen.
However, if you have a well-made battleaxe and you’re swinging it with all your might at somebody wearing leather armor, there’s a good chance you’ll do some serious damage. There are actually several ways to break armor with an axe. The most common is probably just brute force; if you hit something hard enough with an axe, it’s going to break.
This is why axes were historically used as weapons in warfare; they’re incredibly effective at damaging enemy soldiers who are wearing armor.
Break Armor
Another way to break armor with an axe is by using the edge of the blade to slice through the material. This works best with softer armor like cloth or leather; harder materials like steel are more resistant to this type of attack.
But if you can get the edge of your axe into a seam or weak point in the armor, you can use the blade to cut right through it. Last but not least, you can also use the back of the axe head as a hammer. If you hit someone in their armored chest plate with enough force, there’s a good chance you’ll dent or even crack the metal.
This isn’t always easy to do (especially if your opponent is also wielding an Axe), but it’s certainly possible. And once their armor is damaged, it becomes much easier to land hits that will do serious harm. So there you have it: three different ways that an Axe can be used to break enemy armor.
Whether you’re chopping, slicing, or hammering away at your foe, remember that anything is possible in combat – so swing for the fences!
Can Axe Cut Through Plate Armor?
Axe vs Plate Armor Can an axe cut through plate armor? The answer is yes… and no.
It all depends on the type of axe and the type of plate armor. Let’s take a closer look at both variables to see how they affect the outcome. The first variable is the type of axe.
A standard wood-handled hatchet is not going to be able to hack through even the thinnest layer of plate armor. However, a steel-headed battleaxe can potentially penetrate even the thickest armor plating. So it really all comes down to the weapon itself.
The second variable is the type of plate armor. There are three main types of plate armor – soft, hard, and semi-rigid – and each one offers a different level of protection against blunt force trauma (i.e. being hit with an axe). Soft plate armor, such as leather or quilted fabric, will offer very little resistance to an axe blow; hard plate armor, such as steel or ceramic, will offer much more resistance; and semi-rigid plate armor, such as laminated wood or Kevlar, falls somewhere in between these two extremes.
Again, it all comes down to the material that the armor is made from. So what does this all mean? Essentially, it means that whether or not an axe can cut through plate armor depends on both the weapon itself and the target’s protective gear.
If you’re trying to chop through someone’s chainmail shirt with a handaxe, you’re probably not going to have much luck; but if you’re trying to cleave somebody in half who’s wearing full plate armor with a greataxe… well, then you might just succeed (although it would still be quite difficult).
Can an Axe Pierce Chainmail?
This is a question that seems to come up a lot in medieval reenactment circles. The answer, unfortunately, is not as straightforward as one would hope. In short, it depends.
On the one hand, chainmail is designed to be resistant to piercing weapons. The interlocking rings of metal are meant to deflect or catch blades, and even blunt weapons can have a hard time penetrating them. On the other hand, an axe is a very powerful tool, and if used correctly, can penetrate almost anything.
So which is it? Can an axe pierce chainmail? The answer lies somewhere in the middle.
It is possible for an axe to puncture chainmail, but it is not easy. In most cases, you would need a very sharp axe and a lot of force to make it happen. Even then, the results would likely be less than lethal; unless you manage to hit someone in just the right spot (like the neck or head), they will probably walk away with little more than a bruise.
Of course, there are always exceptions. If your opponent’s armor is old or poorly made, they might be more vulnerable to an attack from your axe. And if you’re lucky enough to catch them off guard, you could do some serious damage regardless of what they’re wearing.
But in general, don’t expect your axe to cut through chainmail like butter – it’s just not going to happen.
Francisca Axe VS Medieval Armor (The Ultimate Test)
Best Weapon against Armor
There are a few different weapons that can be used against armor, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The best weapon against armor really depends on the situation and what kind of armor the enemy is wearing. One option is to use a weapon that can penetrate the armor.
This could be something like a spear or a sword. The advantage of this method is that it can be very effective if you can get past the enemy’s defenses. However, it can be difficult to penetrate thick armor, and you may not have enough strength to pierce through all of the layers.
Another option is to use a weapon that can damage the armor itself. This could be something like an axe or a mace. The advantage of this method is that it doesn’t require as much strength to damage the armor, so it’s easier to hit your target.
However, this method isn’t as effective against thicker armor, and you may not be able to do enough damage to disable the enemy completely. Ultimately, there is no single best weapon against armor. It really depends on the situation and what kind of armor you’re up against.
You’ll need to experiment with different weapons and see what works best for you in each situation.
A poleaxe is a long-handled tool with a metal head, typically of steel, that combines an axe and a pick. It is used for striking down enemy foot soldiers and horses in close combat, as well as for breaking through doors and other barriers.
The first recorded use of the term “poleaxe” dates back to 1377, though the tool has been in use since much earlier.
The word “poleaxe” comes from the Old French “poulecot”, which itself derives from the Latin “palus”, meaning “stake”.
Poleaxes were commonly used during the medieval period and the Renaissance. They fell out of favor after the development of firearms, but were revived during World War I as trench warfare made traditional melee weapons relevant once again.
Today, poleaxes are still used by some militaries and police forces around the world.
If you’re interested in learning how to use a poleaxe, there are plenty of instructional videos and articles online. You can also find schools that teach historical European martial arts (HEMA), many of which include lessons on how to fight with a poleaxe.
A halberd is a pole weapon that was used during the medieval period, primarily in Europe. The halberd consists of an axe head mounted on a long shaft with a pointed spike at the end. It was used by foot soldiers and cavalry alike, and was effective against both infantry and mounted opponents.
The halberd was also frequently used as a ceremonial weapon, particularly in Germany.
Mace Vs Sword
When it comes to close combat weapons, there are a few that stand out among the rest. Two of the most popular and well-known are the mace and sword. So, which is better?
Mace vs Sword, which one will come out on top? The mace is a weapon that has been used since ancient times. It is basically a club with a heavy head made of metal or stone.
The weight of the head makes it a very effective weapon for crushing through armor and bone. The mace was also often used to bash in shields, making it a very versatile weapon in close-quarters combat. The sword, on the other hand, has been around even longer than the mace.
A sword is essentially a long blade with a sharp edge that can be used for slashing and thrusting. Swords were often used to great effect against unarmored opponents or to finish off wounded ones. However, swords were not as effective against armored foes due to their lack of penetrative power.
So, which is better? In reality, it depends on the situation you find yourself in. If you are up against an armored opponent, then the mace would be your best bet.
If you are facing someone who is not armored or if you need to finish them off quickly, then the sword would be your best choice.
If you’re planning on attacking someone wearing armor, you might want to think twice about using an axe. While it’s true that an axe can cut through armor, it’s not going to be easy and it’s certainly not going to be quick. In fact, you’re probably better off trying to find a chink in the armor or going for a headshot.

I’m John Carry, also known as a woodworker I have been a professional saw expert for over 10 years. I’d work with every type of saw machine out there, and experiment to find which tools work better.
I’m always looking for ways to improve my skills and help those around me. I love my job and am always happy to share my knowledge with others.